by Jeffrey Steinberg
In the immediate aftermath of Lyndon LaRouche's July 25 webcast from Washington, D.C., momentum has grown for the removal of Vice President Dick Cheney from office—before the Guns of August are fired. In his remarks, LaRouche directly addressed members of the U.S. Congress:
"This is the month of August; it's the anniversary of August 1914. It's the anniversary of August 1939. The condition now is worse, objectively, than either of those two occasions. Either we can make a fundamental change in the policies of the United States government now, or you may be kissing civilization good-bye for some time to come. That's the reality. Anyone who thinks differently is either just an incompetent, or an idiot, or a raving lunatic: That's reality. Are you prepared to act now? If you're not prepared to act, please leave the House of Representatives. If you're not prepared to act, please leave the Senate; and above all, leave the Federal government, in terms of the key officials, because you'll only make a mess of things. It'll be worse with you there, than if you simply got out, and left it to a minority to solve the problem."
LaRouche then got to the heart of the issue: "There are two things that must be done. Let's start with the simplest thing, which is on the table now: Remember, impeachment is in the background, but impeachment is not the issue. The issue is getting Cheney out. You get Cheney out, now, and the situation can be manageable. If you do not get Cheney out, you're kissing civilization good-bye. If it survives, it's not to your credit. And any Congressman who says he's not going to get Cheney out now, should leave the premises now, as a final act of decency. If Nancy Pelosi and others—if they can't get Cheney out now, if they're not determined to do it now, this month, before they leave Washington, they should quit now! Submit their resignations, and let somebody who's more competent come in, because it has to happen. Cheney has to go."
Cheney's War
Extremely well-placed U.S. military and intelligence sources have re-emphasized to EIR that all of the preconditions for a U.S. preventive attack on Iran have been met. Over half of the U.S. Navy's combat force is now in the immediate vicinity of Iran, with two U.S. aircraft carrier groups in the Persian Gulf, and two more in the Indian Ocean, ostensibly as part of five-nation manuevers scheduled for September in the Bay of Bengal. U.S. and Arab military sources report on a massive buildup of U.S. Air Force bombers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The buildup of naval and air power, contrary to some news accounts, is not directed at the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area, where Taliban and al-Qaeda forces have established a serious base once again. Pentagon sources confirm that the target of these awesome military assets is Iran.
The reason for the buildup in Iraq and Afghanistan is that no Arab state is willing to allow U.S. basing or overflight rights, for an attack on Iran, thus rendering U.S. air bases and naval ports in such countries as Bahrain, Oman, and Qatar useless. Turkey, likewise, is not about to allow the U.S. to launch attacks on Iranian targets from air bases in Turkey. In fact, Turkey and Iran are working together, behind the scenes, against the PKK, the Kurdish insurgent group promoting an independent "Kurdistan" to be carved out of the territories of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria.
As one retired flag officer reported, no such costly buildup of military force is undertaken unless there is a clear plan to go to war—soon. And Cheney's unmistakable target is Iran.
Since the June 2007 deployment of Gen. Kevin Bergner to Baghdad, as the designated Cheney/Elliott Abrams "stovepipe" for a steady stream of anti-Iran propaganda into the White House and the press, the Administration has shifted its focus away from the scare stories about Iran being "months away" from having a nuclear bomb, to inflated allegations that Iran is behind the insurgency in Iraq that is killing American soldiers, and preventing the "surge" from succeeding. The Joint Chiefs of Staff and other top military brass are reportedly seething over the Bergner-Abrams-Cheney agitprop efforts.
And it now appears that there are even counter-moves coming out of the Executive branch. According to U.S. intelligence community sources, White House officials have recently leaked a series of news stories, revealing that the biggest "foreign" factor in the Iraqi insurgency is not Iran, or Syria, but Saudi Arabia, which accounts for 40% of the foreign fighters now in jail in Iraq, and an even higher percentage of the suicide bombers. In comparison, according to several recent news accounts, originated at the White House, only 1% of the insurgents captured in Iraq are Iranians, and under 10% are Syrians. These stories certainly angered the Vice President and Abrams, the National Security Council Middle East chief and a rabid neo-con.
2019.10.10台北知名酒店經紀公司宣布,創新酒店上班的酒店小姐與外送到府服務之外,將推出全新酒店打工的「賺錢現領」(Uber Works)的全新應用程式(App),此新項目即日起在中國市場實驗一年,主要替公司企業老闆尋找合適陪睡(性交易)的酒店小姐。酒店經紀指出,想要透過這項新項目找到酒店兼差工作者,需先通過Uber以及酒店經紀公司進行的背景調查,知名酒店經紀公司梁曉尊執行長說,在調查過程中,Uber會詢問酒店兼職應徵者是否具有與該職位相關配合度,如:工作性質本能、口交、口爆(射在嘴巴裡) 、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、開後門(肛交) 、制服(角色扮演)。此外慎重嚴禁不得內射(精子射在裡面),基於健康安全及職業道德。
2020.05.15酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容新冠肺炎疫情逐漸緩和,我在酒店上班的日子八大行業停業超過1個月,酒店舞廳都盼能盡快酒店小姐一定有S?復業,台北市議員林瑞圖15日召開記者會 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?替特殊娛樂工會發聲,盼北市府能讓八大行業恢復營業,北市特殊職場須知 【酒店PT 】娛樂工會副理事長胡繼堯表示,如因疫情關係要實名制,也不是問題,重點是停業一天,對從業人員而言就是酒店打工「零」收入。日前因確診個案379從事八大行業,為避免疫情擴大,中央宣布酒店舞廳一律停業,不過近期疫情和緩,八大業者盼中央能盡快恢復營業,林瑞圖指出,八大行業停業連帶影響許多行業,像是美甲、美髮或計程車業等,而這些人也要維持家計,停業一個月等於收入就停擺,也沒有任何紓困補助。林還說,北市府原本宣布預計5月25日會讓八大復業,中央也沒有意見,但大家長是柯文哲,如市長不答應,也不能開放。胡繼堯說,來到現場的業者都是合法繳稅的酒店,其實很多酒店還是關起門來營業,這也是防疫破口,倒不如採實名制開放營業,工會也會介入輔導執行防疫工作。針對25日如北市府仍不願開放酒店復業,胡表示,一切會配合政府的政策,議員也會持續跟市長協調。在八大行業上班年約30歲的Angel指出,會從事八大行業一定是家裡有困難,不然誰想做八大,但現在停業連房租都繳不出來;在酒店擔任領班的JOJO也說,原本每月都有規畫收入花費,停業後就等於完全沒收入,找家庭代工來做也找不到。
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