You support robberies and assaults on innocent people.
The high prices of drugs caused by prohibition force many drug addicts to turn to robbery in order to pay for their drugs. Legalization would drop drug prices. Drug users would no longer need to rob/assault innocent people in order to support their drug habit. This violence against innocent people would end if drugs were legalized.
You support clogging our prisons and jails with nonviolent people.
Nearly 50% of all people in prison and jail are serving time for nonviolent drug charges. There are thousands of people in prisons for 5, 10, 50 years--even life--for possessing marijuana or cocaine! The average rapist is set free after serving only 3 years in prison, the average murderer is set free after serving only 9 years in prison! To house just one prisoner for one year costs the taxpayer $40,000! The result of these harsh penalties? Drug use has increased! (Tough laws have not stopped me from using marijuana--nor will they ever!)
You support organized crime and drug cartels.
Huge drug cartels and criminal organizations thrive off the enormous profits caused by drug prohibition. These organizations are responsible for thousands of murders! Many of people killed or hurt are innocent people who get in the way! These violent organizations will never be put out of business--unless drugs are legalized.
You support environmental destruction.
Underground cocaine and methamphetamine labs use toxic chemicals to produce those drugs--the wastes are recklessly dumped in forests and streams. These highly toxic chemicals are causing major environmental damage in South American rainforests and now in the U.S. This environmental destruction will stop only if drugs are legalized.
You support drug dealers and street gangs.
Drug dealers and street gangs fight over drug territories. Thousands of people are murdered and assaulted because of this fighting--many are innocent people who get in the way. This violence is another result of the huge profits caused by drug prohibition.
You lure thousands of young people into quitting school.
It is a fact that thousands of inner-city youths drop out of school to make enormous profits by selling drugs. The incentive to drop out of school would end if drugs were legalized.
You do nothing to keep drugs away from kids or out of schools.
In spite of what you may believe, keeping drugs illegal does not keep drugs away from children! Drugs are easily obtainable in almost every high school in America. Legalizing drugs would put schoolyard drug dealers out of business! There would be less drugs in our schools if drugs were legalized. Drugs would still be illegal for minors!
You subsidize criminals by letting them reap huge drug profits without paying taxes.
Since drugs are sold anyway, wouldn’t you rather have them heavily taxed so it would reduce your tax burden? You are giving criminals a free ride and it’s coming out of your own pocket. Working people pay 100% of all taxes for the drug dealers! Why do you want to pay taxes for drug dealers?
You advocate punishing millions of harmless drug users (like me) at an enormous cost to society.
If you believe drugs should be illegal, then you advocate spending your tax dollars to arrest/jail/punish millions of productive, honest, and harmless working people (like myself). Why? We hurt nobody! Who benefits from this policy? Nobody! Who loses from this policy? Everybody!
Drug users can only hurt themselves. But the drug war harms/kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people and burdens you--the taxpayer. The drug war costs you hundreds of dollars every year! The drug war has not reduced drug use!
Prohibitionists claim drugs must be illegal because they harm people. Why are prohibitionists so concerned about what other people do to themselves? Why do they feel it is their responsibility and right to control the lifestyles of other adults? The prohibitionists tell stories of people who hurt themselves with illegal drugs. So what? For every one person who has been harmed with illegal drugs, there are dozens of people who have used illegal drugs and were not harmed. For every one person who has been harmed by illegal drugs, there are 1,000 people who harm/kill themselves by deliberately choosing these harmful lifestyles...
* Being overweight
* Smoking cigarettes
* Watching too much TV
* Eating high-fat/high-cholesterol diets
* Eating too much meat
* Participating in dangerous sports/activities
* Drinking alcohol
* Eating too much sugar
* Eating too few fruits/vegetables
* Drinking too much coffee
* Getting little/no exercise
Why don’t the prohibitionists advocate banning all of the above harmful lifestyles? The prohibitionists tolerate people who hurt/kill themselves with tobacco, alcohol, poor diet, or no exercise, but they refuse to tolerate people who harm themselves with cocaine. Why? Inconsistent! Illogical! Irrational!
We now come to the real reason why marijuana, cocaine, LSD, and other drugs are illegal: Lifestyle control! Prohibitionists fear that if drugs are legalized, the “drug culture” will spread to the rest of society. Nobody can force others to use drugs! Adults must take responsibility for their own health! Because the prohibitionists have decided that drugs are wrong for them does not give them the right to force their lifestyle on others. Prohibitionists want government to play the role of parent. Prohibitionists believe they must babysit adults. Prohibitionists are the lifestyle police!
In the last 25 years, per capita alcohol and tobacco consumption has decreased significantly. This was accomplished by education and treatment, not by threat of punishment! Drug use/abuse would drop significantly if we spent our resources on education and treatment instead of law enforcement. No rational person would call for imprisonment of smokers and drinkers in order to reduce tobacco and alcohol use. But that method is exactly how we try to reduce drug use. The savings to be had in ending the drug war could easily pay for all the drug treatment and education programs we need. The drug war is a failure! Education and treatment work!
If you don’t like a culture or a lifestyle, don’t live it! If you don’t like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other drugs, don’t use them! But don’t ban my personal lifestyle for fear it will poison your lifestyle. Adults must take responsibility for their own actions! It is a flagrant violation of individual freedom to threaten others with punishment just because they choose a lifestyle that is not right for you.
I will continue to smoke marijuana and enjoy it! I hurt nobody! If others do not approve of what I do to myself in my own home, too bad! I may not care for the music you listen to, the food you eat, or the culture you have adopted, but I would never advocate punishing you because I don’t like your lifestyle. If someone violates the rights of others, the violater should be punished; otherwise, people should mind their own business. Adults who use drugs responsibly--whether they be tobacco, alcohol, LSD, or marijuana--cause no harm to others! Leave us alone!
If you still believe drugs should be illegal, answer this question... Why do you believe it is good policy to punish me--and 20 million adult Americans like me--because I choose to use marijuana in the privacy of my own home? Who benefits from this policy and how do they benefit?
Nice Summary!
I thought I'd point out that prohibiting drugs seems to be very closely tied to class wars. After Mexican workers brought it to the US and black jazz players started smoking it, it became illegal.
In Canada smokable opium was made illegal at the turn of the last century after people complained that chinese workers brought in to work on the railway were taking jobs away from Canadians.
Ok, I only have 2 concrete examples :).
I guess this falls under the "if you support prohibition you support racial profiling." section.
Although drugs and a drug incorporated lifestyle may seem fine, how does legalizing drugs stop those whose drug use affects others? the boozers who drink away the family income, the meth-heads doped up on P who attack and kill members of the community for no reason? yes there are many people who are responsible, quiet and happy drug users, but in the bigger scheme of things, drug use, especially hard and highly addictive drugs will continue to unravel society and stress the penal system. I understand you are only advocating the legal use of certain drugs, but this also seems to be a self serving law change you are advocating. I don't see an easy fix to this problem, people wish to escape reality and will use their substance of choice regardless of legality. My two cents on the matter are to target the drug manufacturers and dealers with heavy penalties, it wont do much but its a start, as for those who dabble in the consumption of illicit materials, education, reduction of consumption and tolerance from society seem a good idea. Only have to take a look at places like Amsterdam to see that drugs and society can get along, so long as the populace are open and liberal enough to accept it. Good blog
I agree 10,000% I'm not advocating legalizing some drugs, I think every single drug should be legalized.
Shawn brought up why weed and opium were made illegal. It's pretty much the same for every single drug. Check out the series Hooked: Illegal Drugs on the Discovery channel I think it is.
Matt brought up the point that there are violent drug users out there that hurt other people. Looks like having drugs illegal has really stopped that.
There are already laws to handle the the actions mentioned. If some asshole beats the crap out of his wife, does it mater if he was hopped up on goofballs? What the guy did was wrong and he should be punished for his actions. It wasn't the drugs fault, it was his.
Same for driving under the influence. If some woman smokes a joint and is weaving all over the road, by all means, give her a traffic ticket. Who cares if she has a bag of weed.
All drugs should be legal. Do you honestly believe Meth would stay around if cocaine was legally purchased at the local pharmacy?
It would get a bit worse before it got better, but in the long run, it's the smart thing to do.
Tax it. Use that money to fund rehab centers. Anything left over goes towards whatever else is agreed upon.
Great article.
If you were only advocating pot that is one thing. Once you get in to legalizing Coke and other you are basically begging for the ability for large multinational corporations to advertise and push drugs to everyone.
That is exactly what I don't want. We have enough trouble with corporations without people like you begging the government to legalize substances that will make addicts of people.
Your argument has some good points but you stray from them. How exactly will large legal corporations make meth without harsh chemicals?
Do you have any idea how much easier it is to get opium,meth, cocaine poisoning ? What will you do about the epidemic amount of addicts you will get? I really don't want to see twice the number of homeless people in my neighborhood panhandling for their drug of choice in addition to beer.
Yay you want to do drugs. That doesn't mean they they should be unregulated.
Crack pretty much destroyed the black urban landscape BECAUSE of it's good high with a cheap price.
Robberies went on not because the drug was expensive but because people needed their hit. They either spent all the money they made on it or just plain didn't have any money in their pockets. People were getting robbed for $20-30 in cash. Not really a price issue and more of a hopped up on drugs issue.
Don't worry though so long as you can get YOUR fix everything is okay.
How exactly will large legal corporations make meth without harsh chemicals?
Erm, just about everything is made with "harsh chemicals". Table salt is composed of a poisonous gas and a metal that reacts explosively with water. The reason it's fine to put on your food is that all of the chlorine and sodium have gone into the reaction. Dumbass meth cooks however, are not trained in chemistry and inevitably screw up synthesis, leaving those chemicals in. Meth, as harmful as it is, would be quite a bit less harmful were it synthesized by regulated corporations.
Do you have any idea how much easier it is to get opium,meth, cocaine poisoning ? What will you do about the epidemic amount of addicts you will get?
Why do you think people are going to do it just because it's legal? Those who are interested in doing drugs are quite clearly able to find them even under prohibition.
What about the many stories I have heard from my friends who have had knives pulled on them or guns used during their drug deals?
I think that person's point is that if corporations were to sell these drugs in the future they will use every advertising trick in the book to sell as much drug to as much people as possible, not just people who are already into the drug, and yeah the number of addicts would increase.
A very thoughtful post. I agree with much of it; however, as long as smoking weed, tobacco or anything else is legal in the home, some people will willfully poison their children via their smoking. I'm not saying all smokers will, but some will. I, for one, find this unacceptable.
Worst idea ever.
I think it has all been said.
Can you put numbers on the improvement of social life?
If my child get stoned to death legally...i'll probably try to kill myself.
after killing the people who voted for it.
Legal doesn't mean better.
Do you have any idea how much easier it is to get opium,meth, cocaine poisoning ? What will you do about the epidemic amount of addicts you will get?
Most overdoses are due to the fact that anything could be put in the drug and you would never know. A heroin user could be used to less potent stuff, and then is given a higher grade and overdoses. If there was regulation, these episodes wouldn't happen. And it's very revealing that people die because of legal drugs more than illegal drugs.
Addicts aren't "forced" to commit crimes to get their drugs, they choose to. You might as well say we should abolish the speed limit so motorists aren't motivated to bribe their way out of speeding tickets.
There may be reasons for legalization. But this is a ridiculous argument.
""Secondly, why not take a look at some of the places where drugs are legal. Amsterdam has some of the highest crime rates.""
Drugs aren't legal in Amsterdam, nor do they have a high crime rate. Post a cite for both these allegations please.
I agree with everything the author said. As soon as alcohol became legal again, do you know how many gangs were eliminated? How many people ceased to need stills to make booze? Sure, they still had them, but there was NO NEED FOR THEM.
Think about it. How many babies die each year in meth lab explosions? Hundreds. Now, if Meth was legal, how many babies would die in meth lab explosions? Think people. Wake up.
"Now, if Meth was legal, how many babies would die in meth lab explosions? Think people. Wake up."
Probably about the same number. It would probably still be cheaper to make it yourself than buy a taxed commodity. The main difference would be a larger market. Think about it. Wake up.
But, the US economy relies on drugs! If you legalize them, you will screw the wealth of the big corporations...
Maybe you might be interested in watching this insightful video:
It's about drug traficking, and a lot more... If you want a summary: the USA economy if fcked and the only easy way they found to keep it afloat is to get dirty cash $$$ and bully other nations...
for the person who said whatif my child gets stoned to death. thats imposable unlike most things water, tea, nutmeg for example it is physicaly IMPOSABLE to overdose from smokeing weed
secondly every one who thinks this will result in an epidemic why not look at the dutch they have legilised weed and shrooms (granted thats not all drugs) and have one of the lowist drug rates in the world.
the argument against legalizing drugs as they will be advertised is ridiculous. Educate people about the horrible things drugs can do you. Not the lies that are being forced down our kids throat. The comment that contained the "whatif my child gets stoned to death" statement is a perfect example. As stated, it is impossible. Smoking a few joints on the weekend will not turn you into a homicidal rapist.
Legalization isn't the point here. The point is what I do in the privacy of my own home is none of your business. If I choose to shoot heroin from 5:00pm Friday to 5:00pm Sunday, smeg off and leave me alone.
If someone robs someone else for money to buy drugs, charge them to the fullest extent of the law for the robbery.
Land of the free, ha, land of the free as long as you don't do this huge list of things that misinformed idiots have lobbied to get passed into law.
I don't smoke, but I support your right to do to yourself as you please.
I disagree. Legalizing drugs will make it easy to access for everybody, including children and people who are should not be trusted to smoke/snort/inject/drink responsibly. DUI will rapidly increase. More people will become addicted and therefore spend all their money on drugs, which in turn will force them to turn to crime or prostitution.
As a result, more children who are already forced to live in poverty will have even less resources. This may end up with more families having to be constantly evaluated by social workers and even taken away, which will stress the already inadequate child services. There will be more druggies, and then you'll regret ever being pro-drugs.
But wait! You can't just ban drug after legalizing them! People don't have the will power to just quit, and therefore the government will have to spend more money on rehab programs. OD's will force the government to spend more on health care (at least in countries where health care is universal) on things like drugs (pshhh), supplies, space, resources (ex. ambulances, doctors, etc.). In case you haven't heard, many hospitals are already severely underfunded. Insurance companies will raise rates for cars, homes, and health for many people.
Sure, there might be less people in jail, but that argument suggests that people should throw away laws in order to reduce the amount of people in prisons.
In conclusion, the world would suck more if drugs were legalized.
But I suppose they are comparable to smoking and drinking.
I am in no way against the banning of drugs, I am just saying they shouldn't be readily available in stores and such. And the amount you can have should also be regulated.
And yes, I admit my examples were a bit extreme.
BTW, please cite sources. I don't believe that 1 year of prison costs $40,000 at all, or the western world would be broke.
Anyone forgetting about the spouses and children abused and/or murdered due to dumbasses who get methed out or do some other drug that seriously changes how one preceives reality and situations(basically turns a person into Jekyl and Hyde) for a few days and when coming down blew up.
There is an incident in my state right now where a young man murdered his baby. He had cleaned up for a while because he knew he had to take care of his baby and his girlfriend was going to go to prison. I remember hearing that she went to prison for something meth related. Something was mentioned about giving the baby to family until she got out of prison. The young man refused to let that happen. Something happened and he fell off the wagon. After being up for who knows how long, the baby must have done something hideously horrible to him because went on to beat the baby and then crashed. He woke up to the baby being dead.
I myself was in a relationship with a man who was evil when he was on meth and worse when he was coming down. I had been with him during times when he was clean. And when he was clean he was a completely different person.
If drugs were legalized the same problems would exist and more problems would occur. The cheaper the drug the less the strength of it. Just like the cheap cigarettes are crap and taste like sawdust compared to a more expensive brand. People would still need to pay for it and after getting so high and not being able to work due to being under the influence the crimes would still be there if not worse. I think it should not just be illegal for people to posses illegal drugs but also for them to be under the influence of them.
I fear for my child due to her father being a meth user. Why should I be forced to let my young child, who is only 5, be subjected to his drugie lifestyle and leave me worrying if she has pissed her dad off enough for him to do something horrible to her. I have seen him with his other child and he has no regard for their safety or health. He was never careful where he hid his meth when his child was around. Because I cannot prove this with evidence (we all know how careful drug users can be) I fear when the time comes the courts will force me to allow him to have her unsupervised. Tell me how that is in the best interest of my child.
Oh and what about the children (girls) who have been sold or traded so their parents can get their fix.
I think you should have put a little bit more thought in your idea because it is severely flawed and it is obvious you have not tried to look at the big picture.
I only agree on one point. I do think marijuana should be legalized. If other drugs were to be legalized I think there should be a clinic or a "center" where one would go to use whatever drug they were going to use and that clinic or center being the only place (one in each city) where what they want can be purchased and once purchased the person can't leave until the drug has completely left their system. That would be the safest thing. It would deplete the idea of getting rid of people who are selling drugs on the street. However, I hope you realize that if all drugs were legalized there would still be the drug cartel and gangs and drug dealers selling drugs on teh stree and manufacturing because new drugs would need to be invented and/or the same drugs being sold because it can be gotten cheaper for a better quality from the illegal dealer.
Another thing is that what one does to themselves does not just affect them, it affects everyone around them especially young children. With my older brother, who smoked pot since he was 13, being the person my siblings and I looked up to, we all went down that road. and now, me, my best friend, and one other person besides my parents and my child are the only people I know who do not do marijuana or any other drug. Many of my family members have jumped down the rabit whole called meth. I don't associate with them anymore. I cannot deal with thier problems anymore and I cannot deal with my things being stolen or someone coming down so they decide that to scream and yell or attempt to abusive to my kid who is only trying give them a damn hug or talk to them because my kid missed them while they were gone.
You want all illegal drugs legalized then lets think about an area of the world where we can put the crazy druggies so we don't have to fear for ourselves or our a children. Or find us non drug users a place where we don't have to worry about being around the drug users. (when I refer to drugs I refer to everything illegal except for marijuana) But even then you have idiots. Like my ex who got so high he let our 1 year old run around the house with no baby gates up and all doors open. I would have killed him without even thinking twice if I had come home and something bad had happened to my kid becaue he was incapacitated and passed out on the couch.
shawn made an important point.
another reason pot is not legal is because it gives the police another 'tool' in dealing with minorities. it's another reason they use to search, harass, charge and confine people.
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OMG, WAKE UP IS RIGHT!!!! How can you NOT be for legalization??? Watch the news,EVER single night drug related violence, I mean ever single night!!!!! T say the crime rate wouldn't go down by 100,000% within minutes of legalization taking place is complete crap. Crazy people do cray things, drugs do not cause this, crazy causes this, haha. Amsterdam's crime level, per capita is LOWER, YES LOWER, then before hard drugs where legal, so that's b.s also. AS a recovering heroin addict, I can say that most addicts are born addicts and once they pick up a substance they lose the power of control, most are predisposed to this from birth and genetics....Ask yourself this question...if crack or heroin was suddenly legal would you NOW try it just because it was legal? NO, you wouldn't and neither would about 94% of the population, so the percentage wouldn't go up just because it was legal, but the people who are going to use these drugs anyway, are using them legalor not legal, at least if they were legal and regulated, taxed and controled, then the product would be safer and hopefully they could use in a safe enviroment. Money is to domenant factor in the drug game...take that way from the cartels, violent dealers and gang..bet the crime rate would go down, also addicts do HAVE to commit these crimes like robbing and stealing to pay for the drugs, which if yo have a bad habit could run you at least $100 per day...MAKE DRUGS AFFORDABLE and they would not have to "blow the familys paycheck every week"!!! We need to have an HONEST TALK AS A COUNTRY, I can't think of a subject that effects as many people in this country directly or indirectly then drugs.....We need to talk about taxation, regulation, and have a safe medical place for the addicts to use like they do in Canada, where if they OD, someone is there to make sure they don't die!!! Lat thing is treatment, with the economy in most if not all states a mess, treatment is one of the first things to leave th state budget...If legalized, we should take 50% of the profit and put it into treatment for the addict who actually will want to get clean. 20 years ago the average stay was at the very least 28 days in rehab, now you are lucky to get a full week...this needs to change! Lat thing, I hope everyone can at least agree that something MUST change, the failed war on drugs is just that, a failure...I wish people had all the facts instead of hearing and using bullshit scare tactics....The world will not end with legalization, but who knows what the cartels will do if pushed hard enough from the U/S.....war's end..the war on drugs has no end in sight and will never end. Also shame on ANYONE who is American and it against legalization!!! Americans are the main users of these drugs and Mexico is paying for the fact that scare tactics in this country out weigh facts. shame on you!!! Way should 20,000 Mexicans die for our habits....American's will NEVER stop getting high, the ONLY solution is legalization!!!!!
A human beings begins scathing his insight teeth the senior often he bites off more than he can chew.
To be a good human being is to procure a make of openness to the mankind, an ability to trusteeship aleatory things beyond your own pilot, that can govern you to be shattered in unequivocally exceptionally circumstances as which you were not to blame. That says something very impressive relating to the condition of the principled compulsion: that it is based on a trustworthiness in the unpredictable and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a treasure, something fairly dainty, but whose acutely particular attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.
To be a upright human being is to procure a kind of openness to the mankind, an gift to trusteeship unsure things beyond your own manage, that can front you to be shattered in hugely exceptional circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly impressive with the prerequisite of the honest compulsion: that it is based on a conviction in the fitful and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a plant than like a prize, something somewhat dainty, but whose mere special attraction is inseparable from that fragility.
I don't like the durable of all those lists he's making - it's like taking too divers notes at seminary; you sensible of you've achieved something when you haven't.
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In every tom's life, at some dated, our inner pep goes out. It is then burst into zeal beside an face with another human being. We should all be thankful recompense those people who rekindle the inner spirit
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In the whole world's time, at some pass‚, our inner fire goes out. It is then bust into enthusiasm by an be faced with with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner inclination
In every tom's existence, at some pass‚, our inner throw goes out. It is then burst into passion at hand an face with another magnanimous being. We should all be under obligation for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport
In everyone's sustenance, at some occasion, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame at near an contend with with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner transport
In everyone's time, at some time, our inner pep goes out. It is then blow up into zeal at near an be faced with with another magnanimous being. We should all be indebted for the duration of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
In the whole world's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then blow up into passion at near an encounter with another magnanimous being. We should all be glad quest of those people who rekindle the inner transport
In every tom's time, at some dated, our inner foment goes out. It is then blow up into enthusiasm at hand an face with another human being. We should all be under obligation recompense those people who rekindle the inner spirit
In the whole world's life, at some occasion, our inner throw goes out. It is then break asunder into enthusiasm at hand an encounter with another magnanimous being. We should all be glad quest of those people who rekindle the inner inspiration
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I thought I'd point out that prohibiting drugs seems to be very closely tied to class wars. After Mexican workers brought it to the US and black jazz players started smoking it, it became illegal.
In Canada smokable opium was made illegal at the turn of the last century after people complained that chinese workers brought in to work on the railway were taking jobs away from Canadians.
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all the newspapers wrote extensively about it, and readers were eager to condemn her attitude. In the latter, just a few articles have appeared in Colombian newspapers and close to zero opinion articles;no massive groups in facebook have been created, nor important discussions in forums.
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2019.10.11 酒店上班類型多,酒店工作求職者尋職時不一定都能了解職務內容,台北知名酒店經紀公司為大學生、上班族酒店兼差就業通特別製作影片,邀請八大行業職場酒店小姐闡述工作甘苦並給予尋職建議,盼助酒店打工求職者找到適合工作。台灣社會有許多職業,許多求職者往往不瞭解酒店工作內容前往求職,才發現與想像中不同。知名酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊指出,求職者常嚮往看似光鮮亮麗的工作,但其實這些工作背後,卻往往有著難以想像的辛苦。為了避免在學大學生以及上班族兩大族群渴望酒店兼職求職者對職務期待有所落差,八大行業酒店經紀公司特別規劃製作「框出陪睡(性交易)」職業介紹影片,透過拍攝各行各業職場酒店小姐一日的工作內容,讓對這些職業有興趣與志向的求職者及大學生新鮮人更了解八大行業酒店上班產業趨勢與職務工作內容,做好求職前的準備工作。
2020.03.20八大行業酒店上班因武漢肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情持續延燒,對酒店工作帶來衝擊,據酒店打工數據組織 (酒店PT) 的數據顯示,因疫情造成的經濟和酒店S危機,恐將使不少酒店小姐失業人數上升至近10萬人。
酒店S模擬了最壞的情況,若今年酒店經紀成長率下跌7個百分點,則失業人數可能暴增至3萬,超越 2009 年八大行業危機時期失業人數10萬人。
由於疫情爆發帶來的經濟後果轉化為工作時間和工資的減少,預期失業人數恐將持續增加。就業率的下降也意味著工人的大量收入損失。該研究估計,到 2020 年底,收入損失將在 8600 萬至 1億元之間,也將使得酒店S和服務的消費支出下降,進而影響飯局和援交前景。
2020.10.31網紅「【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】橫綱凱咪」(Aqq cami)日前在臉書爆料酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容,指網美圈有7成都在酒店兼差可以現領賣淫,除了引起外界討論,也讓不少知名網紅躺著中槍。對此,資深媒體人羅友志近日受訪時透露,類似酒店小姐酒店上班的價目表其實都是故意流出,藉此炒作身價,而大老闆們若有意尋芳,便會和媽媽桑聯絡,再透過一套「買春SOP」進行交易。不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因報導,羅友志表示,以他過去跑新聞的經歷來看,類似的女藝人、飯局妹或小模的價目表會曝光,通常都是有人刻意炒作,因為價碼一出來,坊間就會開始影射、穿鑿附會,只要有新聞話題,一些大老闆及有錢人自然會產生興趣,女孩們的身價也會跟著提高,算是一種相當有效的行銷手法。羅友志提到,現在的網紅大致分為2種,如果是高人氣的百大網紅,必須得顧及面子和名聲,不可能公開讓人知道自己有在做,多數都會姑隱其名,然而雞頭又必須讓客人知道小姐的來頭不小,所以常會在底下加註一些暗示性的資訊,例如上過的節目、個人特徵等,如果服務口碑良好,身價也會翻倍。至於賣淫方式,羅友志指出,有錢人和網紅性交易,一方不想說「嫖」,另一邊也不想承認自己「被嫖」,於是便衍生出了一套獨特的SOP,例如媽媽桑成立公關公司,再安排旗下小姐和大老闆約會,當天不會有任何金錢交易,之後以合作的形式付錢給公關公司,經紀抽頭後再分給小姐,如此一來三方都得利。最後,羅友志也奉勸現在年輕女孩,賣淫這種事只要做過一次,未來就難以脫身,不要認為一時缺錢花用,偶爾為之無傷大雅,再說歲月是無情的,現在好賺是因為年輕,等到年紀漸長、失去行情後,就只能淪落到酒店甚至站壁,更別提「每個人都會跟大家講,我睡過她,那印章永遠都會蓋在身上。」
本土疫情攀升,台中市警察局加強稽查八大行業,連日來以發現酒店打工153件違反防疫規定,令人憂心成為中市防疫破口。台中市長盧秀燕表示,如果有特殊情況,將局部加嚴防疫。台中市長盧秀燕今天在市府防疫會議中指出,台中市防疫措施完全配合中央,持續滾動檢討酒店工作,但視情況會採取局部加嚴加密措施。她指出,相關局處針對轄管場域也會加強稽查。台中市警局表示,從3月27日至4月1日為止,未攜帶防疫證明15件、酒店打工未施打三劑疫苗76件、未落實實聯制62件,各分局通報到市警局,將函送市府相關局處依法開罰。教育局表示,台中市目前未禁止各校辦理戶外教學,但學校應事先函報防疫計畫、行程表),至教育局備查,並加強落實各項防疫措施。如辦理跨縣市戶外教育,需評估其必要性及適切性,且應在活動前再次了解並尊重家長意願,並避免前往確診者足跡或案例數較多之地點。同時教育局將視疫情發展滾動修正學校相關防疫作為。酒店公關條件一定要很高嗎?很多人都有一個迷思,就是酒店小姐條件都非常的好,其實不然,先來說台北酒店的部分,台北酒店分為便服店、禮服店、制服店,便服禮服條件的確要比較高,不管身高體重都要有一定標準,如果會講英文日文那絕對非常加分,對於在便服禮服店上班的酒店應徵小姐來說外型的確是第一要件,但談吐方面也要有一定水準,總不能服務客人的時候都不講話,這樣會完全沒有互動很容易被客人排換,不然就是髒話連篇,客人也不會喜歡,基本上由台北酒店經紀梁曉尊推薦到便服禮服面試過關的機率會比較高,談吐方面還有跟客人的互動酒店經紀梁曉尊也會教妳們的,當然不是酒店小姐每個都必須像楊冪、迪麗熱巴、楊穎(Angelababy)、范冰冰、林志琳、秦嵐那樣外型亮麗,哪有這麼多名模等級的小姐,所以不用擔心,要來酒店上班條件是不需要到非常高的。再來是台北的酒店,台北酒店只有分為便服店、禮服店、制服店三種,一樣便服店、禮服店小姐條件比較嚴苛,穿上衣服後不能看到有任何刺青,其他身高體重標準也跟台北的一模一樣。制服店的小姐條件也沒這麼嚴苛,服裝上酒店業者現場會統一提供,其實妳自己身材只要穿著的下酒店業者提供的服裝就可以立即上班賺錢了哦!!不要排斥酒店公關,私密處洗乾淨就跟新的一樣。向警予曾經說過,人生價值的大小是以人們對社會貢獻的大小而製定。這句話反映了問題的急切性。每個人的一生中,幾乎可說碰到不要排斥酒店公關,酒店上班女人私密處洗乾淨就跟新的一樣。這件事,是必然會發生的。帶著這些問題,我們一起來審視不要排斥酒店公關,私處洗乾淨就跟新的一樣。。由於,巴爾扎克曾經提過,我們爬得比別人高,人們完全可以允許; 但如果我們不將自己的人格降到他們那麼低,他們是永遠不會原諒的。所以,有人們對性格堅強的人,不能不懷著幾分仇恨和恐懼。對他們來說,別人過多的榮譽是對他們一種無言的指責,無論是活人還是死人,他們都不能寬恕。這把視野帶到了全新的高度。不要排斥酒店公關,酒店兼差女人私密處洗乾淨就跟新的一樣。究竟是怎麼樣的存在,始終是個謎題。我們一般認為,抓住了問題的關鍵,其他一切則會迎刃而解。在這種不可避免的衝突下,我們必須解決這個問題。緒儒斯曾說過,一樣東西的價值在於購買者願出多少錢。這啟發了我。面對如此難題,我們必須設想周全。領悟其中的道理也不是那麼的困難。一般來講,我們都必須務必慎重的考慮考慮。從這個角度來看,不要排斥酒店公關,私密處洗乾淨就跟新的一樣。對我來說有著舉足輕重的地位,必須要嚴肅認真的看待。
酒店經紀(爵尊聖日耳曼)影音⬇️三井壽|梁曉尊|三分球|灌籃高手|直到世界盡頭|燃燒的男人 炎之男
新聞報導酒店經紀(爵尊聖日耳曼)影音⬇️新聞報導 酒店經紀
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